Tag: culture

Don’t Let Normalization Drag You Down: Three Ways To Avoid Lowering...

If you are like most of us, you’ve worked a stint in a company with a toxic culture. When we’re in these situations, it’s...

The Superman Effect of Contagious Leadership (Develops Others)

I was speaking to a colleague last week who wasn’t feeling as if his leadership mattered. He has a high functioning team that needs...

How To Elevate Your Culture In Just 19 Words (Builds Strong...

It’s well understood that culture can make or break a workplace. Understanding what “culture” means, however, is a whole other matter. As a working...

Emotional Intelligence: Managing Disruptive Emotions

What are you afraid of? Heights? Public speaking? Sudden illness? Loss of employment? A big point of developing emotional intelligence for ultra-high performance is managing...

How Not To “Bike-Shed” Your Feedback (Communication)

Bike-shedding refers to the act of spending lots of time on unimportant details while leaving crucial matters unattended. The term traces back to 1955 article...

Why Leaders Should Be More Like Ebenezer Scrooge: A Five Step...

The story of Ebenezer Scrooge is one of my favorite holiday traditions. As much as I’d like to say that I read Dickens’ A...

4 Ways To Have A Better Staff Meeting

Why are we here? In pretty much every company I work with, people complain about meetings. Too many meetings, useless meetings, a waste of time,...

Can You Teach Someone How To Be A Leader? (Develops Others)

And is leadership development worthwhile? Leadership is defined as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others...

One Important Question To Ask Your Team

Go ask each of your team members:  Walk me through what makes a good work day for you.* This simple request will get to the heart of...
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