Tag: career

3 Questions That Will Save You 8 Hours A Week

Look at your calendar and to-do list for the upcoming week. Then, ask yourself these three simple questions.

How To Elevate Your Culture In Just 19 Words (Builds Strong...

It’s well understood that culture can make or break a workplace. Understanding what “culture” means, however, is a whole other matter. As a working...

The Ultimate Unexpected Leadership Movie (Develops Others)

Last week I had the honor of attending Generations Healthcare’s heartfelt and moving “Caring for a Lifetime” Presidential Awards Ceremony in which they celebrate...

Emotional Intelligence: Managing Disruptive Emotions

What are you afraid of? Heights? Public speaking? Sudden illness? Loss of employment? A big point of developing emotional intelligence for ultra-high performance is managing...

6 Keys To Managing Your Friends (Managerial Courage)

You’ve just been promoted to management. You are now officially in charge of a team of your prior peers, many of whom you consider...

How Not To “Bike-Shed” Your Feedback (Communication)

Bike-shedding refers to the act of spending lots of time on unimportant details while leaving crucial matters unattended. The term traces back to 1955 article...

Tips On How To ‘Work It’, From Some Of The Boldest...

Kevin Kruse: What is the best advice from the most successful women in business? Hello everyone, and welcome to the LEADx show. Kevin Kruse...

Secrets To An Amazing Work Culture From The CEO Of Anytime...

Kevin Kruse: Does your team have too much under-time? Hello everyone, Kevin Kruse here. Welcome to the LEADx Show. Helping you to stand out...

Always On

One of the challenges we must all decide for ourselves in our work, with various pressures from unique sources is, “How responsive do I...
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