Tag: leadership
“Treat Us Like Adults, Not Children”
If this is a common refrain in your organization, consider its roots – why would your team suggest they’re treated like children?
Ten Bulletproof Ways To Increase Your Energy
I often say in my leadership keynotes and presentations, "You can't get more time, only more energy." The ultimate time-management secret isn't about time at...
Learn How To Learn And Increase Your Success
So just don't be fooled by people who are trying to build their own field by drawing you into it.
10 Steps To Survive And Thrive In Your First Leadership Job...
I had all the wisdom of a 23-year-old and all the experience of a junior officer who spent the past year in Naval training...
Out Of The Way, Ego: The Right Way To Address Drama
Your ego is narrating your reality, and it always paints you as a victim, and it always diminishes you, and it convinces you, you don't have power.
Are You Ready For The Internet Of Things?
You can typically work backwards to a sensor and an approach to be able to measure that and get it with a sensor. That's the inductive problem solving that you can now do using IoT.
Two Leadership Lessons from Hurricane Irma (Decision Making)
Here are two leadership lessons from Hurricane Irma that I learned while managing my family through the storm.
Act decisively and quickly
Stand sure...
Giving Feedback: Are You A Window-Gazer Or Mirror-Holder? (Develops Others)
It’s no secret that the feedback we share with others fails to bring about positive and lasting change. By some estimates, people ignore our...
Four Backbones To Leading In Uncertain Times
Uncertainty is scary. The unknown is scary. While there’s always uncertainty and the future is always unknown, a team I worked with recently has...