Monthly Archives: January 2025
The Emotionally Intelligent CEO
In the bustling city of Rajkot, a small yet ambitious dermatology company, UBIK Solution Group, is redefining leadership in the healthcare industry under the guidance of its CEO, Ilesh Khakhakhar. Since its inception in 2003, UBIK has carved a niche in dermatology by focusing not just on delivering high-quality products but also on nurturing a culture of innovation and people-centric leadership.
Why Jeff Bezos Is Trying To Show His Emotions More Often
There’s a constant stream of pressure on leaders to show the “right” emotions. Leaders are expected to project confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm. That’s why this recent interview with Jeff Bezos was so refreshing.
The Neuroscience Of Emotional Intelligence
A man who researchers refer to as “Patient X” was a medical mystery. He suffered two strokes, which severed the connection between his eyes...
Social Intelligence: The Other Kind Of Smart
Social intelligence (SQ) is our ability to use this wiring to live happier, healthier, and more successful lives.