Tag: personal development

How To Elevate Your Culture In Just 19 Words (Builds Strong...

It’s well understood that culture can make or break a workplace. Understanding what “culture” means, however, is a whole other matter. As a working...

How to Bring More Honor Into the Office

I have never been to a memorial service where people spoke poorly about a person, no matter how many bad things he or she...

Emotional Intelligence: Managing Disruptive Emotions

What are you afraid of? Heights? Public speaking? Sudden illness? Loss of employment? A big point of developing emotional intelligence for ultra-high performance is managing...

How To Lead From The Inside-Out

Kevin Kruse: Hello everyone, I'm Kevin Kruse. Welcome to The LEADx Show where we're helping you to stand out and to get ahead as...

How Leadership Forced Me To Confront My Sense of Emptiness–Then Own...

During my late twenties and thirties, I worked diligently to suppress the emotionalism and wild ambitions that had characterized most of my youth. Instead,...

How Not To “Bike-Shed” Your Feedback (Communication)

Bike-shedding refers to the act of spending lots of time on unimportant details while leaving crucial matters unattended. The term traces back to 1955 article...

Don’t Just Give The Message, Become It!

Have you ever listened to a speaker who has had every point in her presentation nailed down, Power Point was near perfect, and closing...

How To Find A Job You Love (Influence & Persuasion)

About a year ago I shared with you “How to Support Someone Who Wants to Leave Your Organization.” This Culture Tip is the other side of...

How To Manage A Multi-Generational Staff

They realized that maybe I was naïve and brave enough, as I like to put it, to go and take it on, and not knowing how difficult it was going to be, and just persevere through it.
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