Tag: leadership

15% Of People Reading This Are Wolves

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How To Slay The Vampires Of No Accountability

They lurk in the dark shadows near the break room. Their mere presence, and longevity remind all that what surrounds them is a less-than-optimal...

How I Stopped My Bad Habit Of Interrupting (Communication)

Let me interrupt your day with a frank discussion about interruption. For all of you out there guilty (as I was) of interrupting others at work, take these 4 steps and call me in the morning.

5 Ways To Kick Your Micromanaging Habit (And Become A Much...

You're an accomplished professional. And because of your excellent performance, you've skyrocketed up the organization and are now running a team, or perhaps even...

Revive Your Leadership With These 4 Steps

It's important when we talk about emotional competence, that we're getting out of our head to see and understand the perspective of others.

Disruption: How Smart Managers Unlock Its Creative Energy (Embraces Ambiguity &...

As business and technology continue to accelerate, managers everywhere are facing disruption like never before. Every day it comes at them in the form of conflicts,...

How Leaders Harness The Power of Habit (Growth Mindset)

The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, wrote, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue...

How Quiet Time Can Make You A Deeper Thinker

Creating that silence that facilitates clear and creative thinking, quiets the inner chatter as well as the outer chatter.

How To Narrow Your Focus To Maximize Impact

What stresses you out? The chatter in your mind? The unrelenting "to-do" list? The noise of request and busy work? We all face a daily battle....
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