Tag: app-featured-article

How Leaders Harness The Power of Habit (Growth Mindset)

The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, wrote, “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue...

But I Thought We Were Friends?! How To Lead Peers (Managerial...

HOW COULD YOU? He was angry. His tight words and finger stabbing the air made it clear: he felt betrayed. “How could you let this happen?” He had...

Goals vs Focus Area: The Difference, And Why You Should Care...

I love goals and lists.  For me, crossing a goal off of a list is a sign of accomplishment…Achievement…And success!  Except when it’s not....

How To Give Feedback Like A Fighter Pilot (Develops Others)

Feedforward is a unique approach to giving feedback that improves performance, boosts productivity, and keeps teams on track. Unlike traditional feedback, feedforward is timely, continuous,...

Four Ways to Counteract Unintended Bias (Values Differences)

Everyone has biases. The only thing worse than having a bias is not realizing that you do. It is in the knowing that there...

Innovation Is Essential. But Are Your Best and Brightest Killing It?...

For organizations today innovation is critical. Without it they cannot solve their toughest problems and remain competitive. To ensure this happens, leaders depend upon...

Lead Like a Skydiver: Five Ways to Make Sure Your Team...

“Let’s go over the jump again…” Caleb spoke into my left ear, above the hum of the small plane engine. I was strapped into a...

To Bring Your Plans to Life, You Need a Dedicated Crew...

“Officers and crew of the United States Gerald R. Ford, man our ship and bring her to life!” commanded Susan Ford Bales, daughter of...

Decisions: Fewer is Better (Communication)

From time to time, it's our job as managers to deliver eye-opening feedback to our team. To be fully effective, we need to be...
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