Tag: teamwork

Be Attached, Be Disappointed

We’re told not to be emotionally attached to the outcome. I couldn’t disagree more. I want you and your team to care about results.  The easy...

3 Insights To Support Low-Income Employees

I used to run a moving company and many of my crew members came from a low-income background. Back in 2003 I read Ruby Payne’s...

Why Nice Teams Finish Last

My brother-in-law recently got a job in retail sales of satellite TV.  Here’s a psychological trick he was taught – ask the nice young...

Collaboration: Four Tips Learned from Packing a Truck (Builds Teams)

It was hot…really, hot. In front of us was a large SUV with the back open, waiting expectantly.  Behind us were boxes, a chair...

Why Blaming Other People is Stupid (and what to do instead)

The life you live offers an array of lessons on a daily basis. Almost about everything you do, experience, see, hear, and feel provides you...

How To Shift Accountability

Accountability is a tough term.  What do you think of when you hear the word?   Perhaps belittling, finger wagging, or being watched?  Thesaurus.com’s first...

Disruption: How Smart Managers Unlock Its Creative Energy (Embraces Ambiguity &...

As business and technology continue to accelerate, managers everywhere are facing disruption like never before. Every day it comes at them in the form of conflicts,...

Great Bosses Spur Teamwork

I define a great boss as a person who creates and maintains a safe, inspiring work environment where talented, engaged employees THRIVE.  I have...

Decisions: Fewer is Better (Communication)

From time to time, it's our job as managers to deliver eye-opening feedback to our team. To be fully effective, we need to be...
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