Tag: employee motivation

Tricky Titles: 8 Key Considerations (Managerial Courage)

Many managers wonder what to do about titles and their team’s desire to climb the proverbial ladder. Here are 8 key considerations… The reason...

Retention: Imperative First Impressions (Builds Teams)

You are being watched, compared and judged.  Your team is being evaluated. It’s your new hire’s first day, first week, first month.  This is an...

Nix The 360 And Go For The High Five (Develops Others)

That’s right. Nix 360 performance reviews.  And here’s why - solution below, if you already know why: - They formalize indirect, couched communication. - If they...

Quick Easy Way To Evaluate Commitment, Silence Is Not Always Golden...

Ever been at a meeting where you asked your team if they agreed or were on board?  You likely got a vigorous nod, a...

Explain Why The Money Matters (Managerial Courage)

Chances are you talk a lot about money in your business – the money coming in, the money going out, to raise prices, to...

Whole Integrity Checklist

A lack of integrity can devour credibility – especially if you’re in a position of authority. Being “out of integrity” in our society is almost...

How Not To “Bike-Shed” Your Feedback (Communication)

Bike-shedding refers to the act of spending lots of time on unimportant details while leaving crucial matters unattended. The term traces back to 1955 article...

Workplace Safety Culture: First, Focus On Shared Identity (Managerial Courage)

It was 2003 and I was three weeks into taking the helm of a moving company and the department of transportation was about to...

3 Steps To Change The Power Dynamic (Builds Teams)

At the end of the day, in most industries, it’s your front line folks who are taking care of your clients and who are...
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