Tag: leadership
Five Productive Things Business Travelers Can Do On An Airplane With...
Life on the road as a business traveler is filled with a ton of fun, Instagram-worthy moments but there is a ton of downtime that we...
Books, Bots, and Bad Words: How To Read More
I think a lot of people would love to learn but they don't have the tools.
3 Ways To Build Trust On Your Team (Builds Teams)
On their way to winning their first World Series in more than a century, the Chicago Cubs did something unusual: They changed the shape...
“It’s About The People, Stupid!” (Develops Others)
Leadership has been overcomplicated over the years. I’m not going to say leadership is easy – but one thing I do know – leadership is simple,...
Organizational Constitutions, And Why You Need One
The reality is that once you get these rules truly well understood and people actually sign up to demonstrate them, they actually start to hold each other more accountable than some of us as bosses would have done anyway.
How Simple Games Can Strengthen Your Team
If you want people to have fun, give them the day off. If you want them to learn, let's play learning games, right?
Boost Your Workforce In Only Nine Minutes
At the end of the day, great leadership is the little things done consistently. That's what it comes down to.
How to Build a More Customer-Centered, Empathetic Workforce
When you call customer service you want to know 2 things: (1) Does the person who picked up your call care about you and...
Four Questions to Ask Yourself and Your Team to Stay Focused...
I hear it all the time: “I’m overwhelmed. I can’t possibly do everything on my plate. What should I do?”
I’ve never met...