Tag: leadership


The Only Two Things You Need To Be Persuasive

People like to work with you, they don't like to work for you, if they have the option.

Lead by Caring and Challenging: An Interview with “Radical Candor” author...

In this just-posted interview with Chuck Leddy, "Radical Candor" author Kim Scott explains how managers and leaders must do two things well: (1) care...

5 Best Practices That Make You A Greater Leader

Recognizing people for positive performance is as simple as just saying “Thank you.”

Lead Like a Skydiver: Five Ways to Make Sure Your Team...

“Let’s go over the jump again…” Caleb spoke into my left ear, above the hum of the small plane engine. I was strapped into a...

Before You Forget, Stop and Do This Immediately

Have you ever met a truly humble person-- someone who's entire life is a sacrificial commitment to a cause they deeply believe in? As I...

There Is Bias In All Of Us, So How Do We...

I'm a big fan of the ever improving human and I do believe that, again, nobody here on planet earth created racism.
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