Tag: culture
Break Your Creativity Echo Chamber (Innovation & Creativity)
Fresh ideas and new perspectives are the lifeblood of great work. But what happens when inspiration routinely comes from the same place – people...
3 Reasons Why Leaders Need a No Whining Policy (Develops Others)
When Pope Francis tells you to stop whining, you know there is power in the message. Since becoming the new pope, Francis has been...
How To Shift Accountability
Accountability is a tough term. What do you think of when you hear the word? Perhaps belittling, finger wagging, or being watched? Thesaurus.com’s first...
Disruption: How Smart Managers Unlock Its Creative Energy (Embraces Ambiguity &...
As business and technology continue to accelerate, managers everywhere are facing disruption like never before. Every day it comes at them in the form of conflicts,...
Decisions: Fewer is Better (Communication)
From time to time, it's our job as managers to deliver eye-opening feedback to our team. To be fully effective, we need to be...
Critical To Your Team’s Culture: Equal Air Time
In researching what makes successful teams, Google’s “Project Aristotle” found psychological safety was key. A group norm that supports psychological safety is “equality in...
Is Your Team The Right Size? (Builds Teams)
We like to claim that some institutions are “too big to fail.” Can the same be said of teams?
Turns out that bigger isn’t always...
3 Ways To Build Trust On Your Team (Builds Teams)
On their way to winning their first World Series in more than a century, the Chicago Cubs did something unusual: They changed the shape...
“It’s About The People, Stupid!” (Develops Others)
Leadership has been overcomplicated over the years. I’m not going to say leadership is easy – but one thing I do know – leadership is simple,...