Tag: app-featured-article

LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE (LPI): Commit and Calendar!

Welcome to the first day of a coaching journey that can transform your approach to leadership. This week, simply commit to completing your activities, reflect...

ACTIVITY: Model the Way (Core Values)

Modeling the Way begins with clarifying personal values and builds and affirms shared values that everyone can embrace. This week recommit to modeling the...

ACTIVITY: Influence & Persuasion

Choose to flex this skill to become stronger and turn it into a habit. Consider one or more of these activities: Who are the gatekeepers...

ACTIVITY: Influencing Style Indicator

There are two basic styles of influencing called “push” and “pull." Some people push or pull with emotion, and others rely on logic. There...

INFLUENCE WITHOUT AUTHORITY: Reflect On Your Coaching Journey

Congratulations! You’ve come to the end of the coaching plan. This final activity can be a powerful way to anchor your growth and progress.  Reflect...

ONE-ON-ONE MEETINGS: Reflect On Your Coaching Journey

Congratulations! You’ve come to the end of the coaching plan. This final activity can be a powerful way to anchor your growth and progress.  Reflect...

ACTIVITY: Assess Your One-on-One Meeting Behaviors

How consistent and impactful are your one-on-one meetings? How does your personality affect your approach to these meetings? Reflect on the questions below. CONSISTENCY? Ideally,...

BEHAVIORAL INTERVIEWING: Reflect On Your Coaching Journey

Congratulations! You’ve come to the end of the coaching plan. This final activity can be a powerful way to anchor your growth and progress.  Reflect...

ACTIVITY: Practice Interviewing Candidates

Holding one or more practice interviews, where your friends or colleagues play the role of candidates, will enable you to practice asking questions, followups,...
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