Tag: workplace culture

Like Your Less Than Likeable Co-Worker (Conflict Management)

Just last week I was facilitating a team relationship repair when one of the members stated, “We don’t have to like each other, we...

3 Ways to Conquer Performance Jitters (Self-Awareness)

Think back to your last high-stakes encounter. A major job interview. A nail-biting presentation. Maybe it was talking to your teen about his risky...

Six Steps To *KonMari Your Culture (Mission & Vision Focused)

An extraordinary culture is a culture that brings joy. A culture that brings joy has smart, simple, clean clarity. Clarity of purpose. Clarity of direction. Clarity of agreements. Clarity...

It’s Personal (Self-Awareness)

It’s personal. When someone gives you “constructive” feedback, it’s personal. When someone suddenly takes you off a pet project, it’s personal. When someone talks behind your back,...

Lift Your Team’s Spirits – Leverage Music, Story and Humor (Fosters...

While my penchant is for systemic change and not quick fixes, occasionally you just need a little somethin’ somethin’ to rally the team and...

How To Spot Your Tipping Point After a BIG Business Mistake

Failure brings one of two outcomes each time: True failure (aka: you give up) A Tipping Point (aka: you rise from the ashes) We rarely...

Are Employees an Expense or an Asset? The Answer May Surprise...

“Being an employee of several different companies, I can honestly say that I’ve felt like nothing more than a line item on a spreadsheet...

Before You Promote Someone, Do These Two Things…(Develops Others)

Usually managers are excited to promote someone in whom they see great potential and whose excellent work they want to reward.   In this excitement,...

Choose Inspiration Over Motivation (Influence & Persuasion)

Motivation is lighting a fire under you, while inspiration is lighting a fire within you. Consider these insights from three great thought leaders on motivation...
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