Tag: leadership

Better Communication: Just Three

When in doubt of how many, lean on three.  Why?  Simple–three is doable, memorable and meaningful.  More than three and overwhelm and numbing follow. ...

Dare To Dream Big: Your Goals Should Feel Scary

Live like today is the first day and the last day of your life.

Generating Employee Engagement in More Meaningful Ways (Builds Teams)

I don’t enjoy going to Disney World. There, I said it. Please don’t tell my kids, but it is one of my least favorite...

Want To Be Fascinating? Know Your Own Brand

It's good to be better, but it's better to be different. Different is better than better. So, the question is, how are you different?

Break Your Worst Habit With This One Simple Trick

It's really about seeing these things clearly and remembering to be present with what's actually happening.

Why Negative Feedback Is Good For You (Develops Others)

  Few people like hearing bad news about themselves. Getting a tough performance review or being called out for a mistake challenges our status and...

Dive In: Answers Are Below the Waterline (Builds Teams)

Things aren't always as they seem. We know this saying well; and yet, we continue to take things at face value. We trust our intuition...

Finally! A Practical Way To Figure Out Your Dream Job

I think the older you are, the more you need to prove that you've really done the research, and be flattering.
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