Monthly Archives: March 2023

A New Era of Leadership Development: From ‘Content Curator’ to ‘Guide on the Side’

Leadership development used to be all about content: Curating content, planning out multi-day workshops to deliver content, and measuring success by how many people received your content (attendance and course completion). This all began to change as smartphones took off.

How AllianceBernstein Implemented a ‘Career Conversations’ Program to Boost Engagement

LEADx research indicates that having career conversations with your manager at least twice per year is one of the top ten drivers of employee engagement. But, managers often struggle to facilitate effective career conversations. Managers report that they don’t know how to guide their team members through a career conversation, and on top of that, they fear that career conversations might drive away star performers and hurt their team.
The High-Performer Paradox Unpacking Imposter Culture in the Workplace

The High-Performer Paradox: Unpacking Imposter Culture in the Workplace

In the war for talent, the most successful leaders know how to recognize and attract high performers. But, once that talent is in your organization, do they recognize themselves as high performers? That is to say, how do you know if your star players are getting the balance of support, confidence, and challenge they need to commit long-term?

How Leaders at Ultragenyx Balance the Duality of ‘Action’ and ‘Connection’

Ultragenyx is a rare disease biotech company that researches and develops drugs for small populations of patients with high unmet medical needs. Since day one, Ultragenyx has been a purpose-built company with a huge vision: To lead the future of rare disease medicine.

Boost Organizational Productivity With Google’s “Simplicity Sprint’

It’s time for all organizations to follow Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s lead and launch an internal Productivity Sprint. Last year, after announcing record sales but also slower growth and lower earnings, Pichai told employees in a town hall that the company was launching a company-wide initiative to ideate ways to improve productivity and efficiency. 
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