ACTIVITY: Leadership Circle Self-Awareness Dimension


The Self-Awareness dimension measures your orientation to ongoing professional and personal development and the degree to which inner self-awareness is expressed through balanced perspective and high-integrity leadership. 

This week, focus on one or more behaviors that will increase your Self-Awareness dimension. Consider these ideas:

  1. To behave as a selfless leader, be quick to accept personal responsibility and redirect credit to others on your team.
  2. To develop more balance, schedule time on your calendar for exercise, family, and leisure.
  3. To develop your composure, pay extra attention to when you feel stress or anger and pause before speaking or acting reactively.
  4. To develop yourself as a personal learner, schedule time to reflect on your recent successes and failures; what have you learned?


After completing this activity, consider leaving a reflection in the LEADx app using the Coaching Plan Activity “Reflect” button.