Leadership, and the courage to challenge NORMAL

Leadership Mindset Infographic

There are many leadership theories and many leadership qualities. Not least of all those qualities is courage! Many times we don’t even realize that we are being presented with the opportunity to lead. However, as we move through our everyday situations we are being presented situations that are in fact leadership development disguised as ‘our lives'.

When Anita stepped in front of her two kids, she could feel her very insides shake. She knew very well that she was placing herself in the direct line of fire of verbal abuse from their father.

Anita had grown up receiving this kind of treatment in her own childhood home. In fact, it was accepted and pretty much expected. Even though it was a secret to be “kept within the walls of this house,”  it was accepted as the family “normal.”

However, as Anita stepped up this wasn’t about what had gone on for her, this was about something bigger…

By stepping in front of her children, she was setting a boundary as to what was going to be acceptable for her own children…and just as importantly, what was not.

Full Monty Leaders do not stand around complaining. They have the courage to step out and take action. Often in the face of ridicule and rejection.

To be a leader you must be willing to ask difficult questions, particularly of yourself. Questions like:
→ Are you One ‘of' Millions, or One ‘in' a Million?

Unless we are watching the news and listening to some political pundit complain, most of people never really think about leadership — What it is, what it takes, or what the effects of great, solid leadership can be.  As a result, many times we don’t even realize that we are being presented with the opportunity to lead when we are moving through our everyday situations.

All too often, we don’t even start thinking about leadership and our development as a leader until it is, for whatever reason, suddenly thrust upon us. However, leadership, in its truest form, is not so much a title as a mindset and a commitment.

Owning The Leadership Mindset:

Some would describe the leadership mindset as a set of beliefs, values and attitudes directed to empower people. Others speak of leaders being born not made, and that the “mindset” was either there or not. Still other believe that leadership is absolutely dictatorial, a “our leader, right or wrong” position.

We can go many different directions in addressing these attitudes. However, within the confines of this particular article we will look at the mindset of leadership as making a shift in thinking and priorities, which moves your focus from “you” to “us,” from “me” to “we.”

Stay with me here, because what I’m suggesting is that the real glory in leadership comes not from what you accomplish, but rather from what you assist others in accomplishing. Full Monty Leadership is about service, it is a selfless journey of empowering people to step up, to better themselves and perform to their greatest potential.

All of which must demonstrated by you as a leader first. A great moment in leadership occurs when you, as a leader, lift someone upon your shoulders to see the previously impossible as a reachable possibility…

“A true leader inspires others to keep learning, keep growing and keep doing because the leader knows that yesterday’s impossible becomes today’s reality.” ~Dov Baron

Full Monty leaders are champions for others, and “the cause.” … They remove the interference that threatens to block the pathways that lead to peak performance and fulfilling experiences.

With gratitude,

Authentic Leadership Matrix for Leadership Development

My Authentic Leadership Matrix is free this link! Why? Because one of the questions I’m most often asked is; What authentic leadership is and how do we define it? As a result, with years of experience and extensive requests, I created Authentic Leadership Matrix. It’s designed to give you a clear process of how to perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. Start your yes and no evaluation to discover your leadership traits here: http://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com.

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Authentic Leadership Matrix for Leadership Development
One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a leadership advisor to the United Nations (UN), a bestselling author, the world’s only Corporate Cultural Momentum Strategist, and a top-ranking podcast host. He is also the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and Leadership Succession or, as he prefers to call it, “Full Monty Leadership.” Try his Authentic Leadership Matrix for free: http://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com/