Tag: time management

Working Boundaries: The Case For Standardizing Email Response Times (Communication)

It's Sunday evening, 8:00 pm, do you know what your boss is doing? My team, unfortunately, does. They know I am planning my weekly calendar,...

Become An Amazing Storyteller, And A Better Boss

Having a surprise ending is so powerful, whether it's a movie or a book or a sales pitch, but orchestrating your story to have that is really powerful and it makes people remember your story better.

Are You an Over-Thinker? Here’s How To Stop

Ask yourself, "What am I feeling around this? Why am I hesitating?" to name it.

How FTA’s are Sabotaging Your Productivity (Time Management)

A what? What on EARTH is an FTA? FTA = From Thin Air. FTA’s are those “must do” items that come up right when you are...

How To Bridge The Gap With Your Millennial Workers

What are you looking to get out of today's meeting and how can I provide you the most value in our time together?

How To Make Your Meeting Not Suck

So that daily pulse is huge, and I've got companies all over the world using it. It's very, very effective.

How To Finally Tackle Those Annoying Tasks (Takes Initiative)

It was a beautiful Texas afternoon and I decided to take a short walk along the street where my mother lives.  Walking, I passed...

Master Your Inner Game

Just all that good mental focus and emotional clarity comes from being centered, if that makes sense.
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