Personality Types of DISC: C Personality (Conscientiousness)
People who are high in “C” are more introverted and reserved, and task-oriented. They tend to be cautious, calculating, competent, contemplative, and careful. They are typically analytical, detail-oriented, and intentional. They value precision and have inquisitive natures, often appearing critical by asking many questions. Leaders who have high “C” expect everyone to follow their standards and make sure that everything is working the way it should.
Personality Types of DISC: S Personality (Steadiness)
The DISC profile is a behavioral assessment tool, based on William Marston’s theory that there are four major personality traits: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).
Personality Types of DISC: I Personality (Influencing)
People who are high in “I” are extroverted and outgoing, and people-oriented. They tend to be inspiring, impressionable, interactive, impressive and involved. They are typically vocal and animated. They like to engage others in conversation. Leaders who have high “I” energize others and are usually popular because of their social skills and charm.
Personality Types of DISC: D Personality (Dominant)
People who are high in “D” are extroverted and outgoing and task-oriented. They tend to be direct, decisive, driven and demanding. They typically have high confidence, are self-motivated, and are comfortable taking risks. They like to focus on the big picture, not details. People who have high “D” are frequently found in leadership positions.