LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE (LPI): Commit and Calendar!


Welcome to the first day of a coaching journey that can transform your approach to leadership. This week, simply commit to completing your activities, reflect on the benefits of improving your skills, and anticipate what might get in the way of you completing this coaching plan.

Schedule a recurring weekly meeting to spend time on your coaching plan. Even a 15-minute meeting once a week, ideally scheduled early in the morning, will help you stay on track.

  • CALENDAR! Schedule a recurring weekly meeting to spend time on your coaching plan. Even a 15-minute meeting once a week, ideally scheduled early in the morning, will help you stay on track.
  • BENEFITS? Reflect on this question, “How will my team, the organization, and I all benefit if I improve in this area?”
  • BARRIERS? Reflect on this question, What might stop me from completing the weekly activity? How will I overcome these barriers?”


After completing this activity, consider leaving a reflection in the LEADx app using the Coaching Plan Activity “Reflect” button.