What is Human Capital & Are You Invested?

Dov Baron asks,

The #1 challenge facing leaders today is one of “human capital.”

A couple of years ago, I attended in Dallas hosted by Jeffrey Hayzlett of Bloomberg TV The C-Suite I sat down and interviewed many top level “C” Suite individuals and ask them about their challenges, which of course included “how do you keep top talent?”

As I intently listened, all too often I heard the struggles of dealing with the “extreme screen time” generation… the Millennials. Two years later and executives are still struggling with keeping Millennials fiercely loyal. 

After that event I wrote an article about it: You can read the full article here

During my time there I got to interview 3 outstanding Millennial men who are doing extraordinary things. The interview is up on iTunes on my Leadership and Loyalty Tips for Executives podcast Click here:http://dovbaron.podomatic.com/entry/2014-05-16T17_36_10-07_00

Without watching the interview I can tell you is this; if you are looking to tighten your grip and control these Millennials, you are going the way of the dinosaur.

This year ‘Deloitte surveyed nearly 7,700 Millennials from 29 countries during September and October 2015 to learn more about Millennials’ values and ambitions, drivers of job satisfaction, and their increasing representation in senior management teams.' The discovery, two-thirds of Millennials express a desire to leave their organizations by 2020.

So let me ask you; as a C-Suite leader what are you actively doing to both engage and keep your up and coming top Millennial talent Fiercely Loyal?

With gratitude,

Authentic Leadership Matrix for Leadership Development

My Authentic Leadership Matrix is free this link! Why? Because one of the questions I’m most often asked is; What authentic leadership is and how do we define it? As a result, with years of experience and extensive requests, I created Authentic Leadership Matrix. It’s designed to give you a clear process of how to perform in each of the five main areas that are required for you to become a world class authentic leader. Start your yes and no evaluation to discover your leadership traits here: http://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com.

Click here for my latest for Entrepreneur.com.

Want to retain your top talent? Then my “Fiercely Loyal” book is for you! Plus get your free: “How to instantly bond any team” infographic.

Authentic Leadership Matrix for Leadership Development
One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a leadership advisor to the United Nations (UN), a bestselling author, the world’s only Corporate Cultural Momentum Strategist, and a top-ranking podcast host. He is also the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and Leadership Succession or, as he prefers to call it, “Full Monty Leadership.” Try his Authentic Leadership Matrix for free: http://matrix.fullmontyleadership.com/