Sometimes, cheaters get caught.
We have seen sports stars be suspended for taking performance-enhancing drugs. Religious leaders lose their ministries over an affair. Politicians face public embarrassment over compromised values.
The global headlines are filled with other examples of cheaters getting caught.
We can look with judgment on these public cases of cheating, but some cheating happens “locally”–within our hearts, minds, and bodies.
For example, we might cheat our food plan by scarfing down that last cookie in the break room while no one is watching, after having posted a selfie of a green smoothie the same morning.
We might flirt with someone else when our spouse is not around.
We might reposition the golf ball when no one is looking our way.
Some cheaters take unfair advantage. Some take credit. Sometimes, they do not get caught.
What motivates any form of cheating? Is it pride? Fear of failure? Desire for power? No matter the creative reasoning, it is still wrong. Any act of cheating erodes your integrity a little bit (or maybe a lot.)
Every day, we make choices, and for each, there is a logical consequence.
If we follow a healthy lifestyle, we have a better chance of keeping off excess weight, experiencing fewer illnesses, and being stronger.
If we deflate our golf score, we may impress people temporarily. However, over time, our real skill set will show through.
If we flirt with someone, it may lead to something more than we ever expected to have to handle and cause much pain for all involved.
If we say we have finished something our team members need, but we have not, the truth will eventually come out and break trust.
The right choice is always an option before us. It’s the one that helps us sleep soundly. The one that keeps us from having to back peddle to cover bases so that no one finds out we lied. It’s the ones that, over time, build our reputation for integrity and reliability.
Take proactive responsibility for your choices today. One day at a time. Consistently good choices will lead to promising results, both personally and professionally. This will make our life path bright, wide, and illuminated, blessing ourselves and others with whom we interact.
The workplace–and the world–is desperate for people who do not cheat. Be one of those people.
Photo © diego cervo – Adobe Stock. All Rights Reserved