ACTIVITY: Leadership Style Self-Assessment


Leadership theory suggests that our innate personality leads to a natural leadership style which is a blend of being directive and supportive. Situational leadership theory suggests that we individualize our approach to leadership–either more directive or more supportive–depending on the situation.

This short self-assessment will help you to identify your natural or automatic leadership style, thus helping you to understand how you may need to modulate your approach in various situations. 

Answer YES or NO to each statement below.

Directive Leadership Behaviors

  1. I frequently meet with team members to review their goals.
  2. I frequently show team members how to complete tasks related to their job.
  3. I frequently meet with team members to review project schedules and timelines to accomplish their goals.
  4. I frequently meet with team members to review their priorities to ensure they align with team and company objectives.
  5. I frequently clarify roles and set expectations with team members.
  6. I frequently review and give feedback to team members’ action plans.
  7. I frequently review team members' performance and discuss accountability.

Supportive Leadership Behaviors

  1. I frequently meet with team members to listen to their concerns and ideas.
  2. I frequently take a “coach approach” with team members and help them solve problems independently.
  3. I frequently ask team members for their input on problems and key decisions.
  4. I frequently explain the rationale behind key decisions and solutions.
  5. I frequently show appreciation and recognition for team members’ contributions.
  6. I frequently share information with team members about the organization, the industry, trends, and how they may impact their goals.
  7. I frequently share personal experiences that foster authenticity and trust among my team.

Interpreting Results

How many YES answers do you have for Directive behaviors? 

How many YES answers do you have for Supportive behaviors?

  • Which style has the most yes answers? (This is your dominant leadership style.)
  • Is there a big gap between your two styles? Or is your natural style a mix of the two?

When taking a “situational approach” to leadership, remember that you may need to modulate your dominant style.


After completing this activity, consider leaving a reflection in the LEADx app using the Coaching Plan Activity “Reflect” button.