3 Things The Best Leaders Do In Relationships (Builds Teams)


Leadership is a people business. Relationships are inseparable from leadership. The best leaders respect, value, and are grateful for each team member. No matter if the person is a star performer or not. They understand each person on the team has a direct impact on the overall business goals which position everyone to achieve success.

In Laws of Lifetime Growth, the authors wrote:

“Only a small percentage of people are continually successful over the long run. These outstanding few recognize that every success comes through the assistance of many other people and they are continually grateful for this support. Conversely, many people whose success stops at some point are in that position because they have cut themselves off from everyone who has helped them. They view themselves as the sole source of their achievements. As they become more self-centered and isolated, they lose their creativity and ability to succeed.”

When it comes to relationships the best leaders consistently do these three things:

  1.  Take Time And Energy To Maintain Strong Relationships

Strong relationships don’t just happen by accident. They require ongoing commitment, dedication, and a lot of hard work. The best leaders maintain their core relationships, making sure they are strong. In The Leadership Mandate I wrote,

“Your ability to connect, work alongside, and relate with other people is a key component to your leadership potential.”

This happens when you value and are deliberate about maintaining a strong relationship with team members.

Consider taking time to regularly have one-on-one meetings (Especially with those who are performing exceptionally well or your leaders) and doing activities with a group or your entire team. Intentionally spend time with and around your people by walking slowly through the office, gathering where they gather, and having an open door policy. In turn you will maintain strong rapport with your people.

  1. Show They Value Each Person On The Team

Knowing and showing you value a person are completely different. You can know something but no one will know or see it unless you show it to them. Showing you value your people is an outward expression of your inward gratitude. Between the different roles and tasks of leadership a leader can be under constant pressure to perform. Busyness is one of the main reasons why showing your people you value them challenging. Making regular conscious decisions to show your team you value them can make all the difference. You can do this by:

  • Speaking kind, encouraging, and uplifting words to them, those which show your team their contribution matters.
  • Spending time with team members with the purpose of getting to know and understand them.
  • And/or being a support to your team by offering your assistants when they need help.

These decisions will help your team know you care and value them.

  1. Regularly Reward And Recognize Results

One of the responsibilities of leading is to achieve results through the efforts of others. The best leaders understand success happens through a team effort and not by any one individual. When the team achieves a win or success the leader needs to be willing to take the spotlight off of themselves and shine it on the team.

This can be challenging because the public and/or their superior can place the spotlight on the leader; giving them the credit, recognition, and rewards. When this happens a leader must shift the focus onto their team by publicly and privately praising and giving credit to the team. To provide rewards for the hard work they put in while performing their roles or the tasks which lead to the win or success when possible.

Dan is an author and award-winning leadership blogger. His passion is to help people increase their influence and reach their full potential. He writes on the topic of leadership at danblackonleadership.com. If you subscribe to his blog he will give you two free quote books.