Monthly Archives: October 2023

The Culture Code

How National Resilience Scaled Culture As A Rapid-Growth Start-Up

One of the most effective strategies to scale and sustain a rapidly evolving culture is to establish a values system. To dive deep into an example of a rapid-growth startup that built out a highly effective values system, I met with the Chief People Officer of National Resilience, Mara Strandlund.
The Culture Code

How Veeva Drives a Culture of Speed on its Growth Path to 10k Employees

How do you create a culture that revolves around speed at a company with 7,000 employees across more than 40 countries? To learn, I met with Vivian Welsh, the chief people officer (CPO) of Veeva Systems. 
The Culture Code

Culture Hinges On Behavior Change with Databricks’ CPO

Since research correlates 70% of employee engagement to management, the way a company develops its leaders can be incredibly telling of its culture. At Databricks, Reichanadter and her team emphasized leadership development during Covid as the company flourished.
The Culture Code

How Leadership Development Can Make Culture Thrive in Times of Rapid Growth w/ 1Password’s...

Leadership development stands as one of the best strategies for a rapidly growing company to foster its culture. To learn about this strategy in action, I met with the Chief People Officer of 1Password, Katya Laviolette.
The Culture Code

How Turo Scales and Sustains a Start-Up Culture (Even as It Grows from 400...

The more a company grows, the more challenging it becomes to hold onto its fast-moving, creative, start-up culture. That said, it is possible.
The Culture Code

The Unique Way that Pinterest Scales and Sustains Its Culture of Practicing Pinners

At Pinterest, there's a real sense of connection, relationship, and belonging in the culture.
The Culture Code

How Exabeam’s CHRO Nourishes A ‘Dedicated, Hard-Working, and Fun-Loving’ Culture

Gallup and LEADx research shows that psychological safety is the second-strongest driver of employee engagement. But how can a company tell if they’re successfully fostering psychological safety?
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