Yearly Archives: 2022


Three Non-Technology Trends In Leader Development In 2022

The year 2022 will be a defining moment for a lot of leaders, as many teams finally transition from “surviving” to “thriving.” After a turbulent start to the decade, we can once again set our sights on what we all ultimately want: to have the freedom to be the best version of ourselves; do work that is personally fulfilling and meaningful; to achieve our goals, and to grow in the process. 

Why We Hate Giving Feedback—and How to Make It Easier

Over the past two decades, my colleagues and I have coached and trained thousands of people to be better managers and leaders. We’ve asked...

How Strategic Inclusivity Drives Retention At AllianceBernstein

Some problems are daunting, but if solved they generate a huge return. For example, how can you scale inclusive behaviors? How can you combat...

At Keysight Technologies, Leadership Development Is Focused On ‘Strategy Activation’

Leadership is the lever to scale culture. This is especially evident at Keysight Technologies, a market leader in electronics testing and measurement equipment and...
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