WEBINAR: Time Theming for Productivity


    — SPACER —

    “Time Theming for Productivity”

    — SPACER —


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    • How to marry your intentions with attention so you can personalize your productivity and get the right things done.
    • To create a simple, flexible, and durable framework that allows you to make measured progress and your projects and goals.
    • To understand how theming your time can help define your days and funnel your focus regardless of what you do in work and life.
    • How to take Time Theming – and your personal productivity – to the next level in just a few simple steps.


    — SPACER —
    [text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”24″ font_font=”Shadows%20Into%20Light” font_color=”%23ffffff” width=”220″]Your host, Mike Vardy[/text_block]
    [text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Raleway” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23ffffff” width=”460″]Mike Vardy is a writer, speaker, and productivity strategist. He founded the company Productivityist, which was built with the quest to help people stop “doing” productive and start “being” productive through developing practical and tactical approaches to their work and lives.


    — SPACER —