FSC offers provides revenue cycle management (RCM) services, primarily for hospitals.
Employees: 2,700
Established: 1980
activation rate
monthly engagements with the app per person
Employees: 2,700
Established: 1980
activation rate
monthly engagements with the app per person
Many large companies struggle to achieve high activation rates and learner engagement for their leadership development programs. This is especially the case for e-learning, where industry standard usage rates can be as low as 10-20% (i.e., LinkedIn Learning).
Here’s a standout example of high activation and usage rates from our work with a large financial services company. We’ll call them Financial Services Company, or FSC. FSC offers provides revenue cycle management (RCM) services, primarily for hospitals.
FSC achieved 100% activation, 56% usage, and 80% attendance to its live sessions. They accomplished this through two main strategies:
“Driven by the CEO and senior leadership, FSC made its leadership development program mandatory. Expressing the value of the program from the top down helped win buy-in from learners.
The key was that FSC’s senior leadership didn’t just say that leadership development was important. They actually jumped in and collaborated on the content. FSC’s CEO, for example, sent out a video where he monologued about the company’s core values. In fact, for each core value a different senior leader put together a micro-learning video.”
Another way FSC increased learner engagement was by using the LEADx platform, which channels behavioral science to engage learners.
For example, the videos consumed by learners were not located in an archive-style library where learners would have to go find the right video. Instead, the videos were delivered at a pre-planned cadence via email with eye-grabbing, pithy nudges that encouraged learners to spend time with the material.
They also leveraged personalized behavioral nudges. Nudges deliver bite-size learning in the flow of work. And through LEADx, the nudges can tie directly to the subject matter (i.e, core values), people’s assessment results, and even the results of their direct reports.
Strategies one and two worked in a virtuous cycle: When leaders at FSC received a video from a senior leader in a bite-size email, a huge percentage opened and watched the video. In turn, content created by senior leaders built up the credibility of micro-learning and nudges.
For example, FSC loaded customized videos and nudges into the LEADx platform to pull through their company values. Here’s an example of nudges for the FSC “LOVE” initiative (Living Our Values Everyday): Gratitude, Urgency, Teamwork, Compassion, Honor and Exceptionalism.
Often, when a company achieves 100% activation, it’s because the company forced activation onto its learners. The end result then is an incredibly low usage rate as learners activate then do nothing. That is far from the case with FSC, who in addition to 100% activation, saw:
One participant summed her experience up saying: “I don’t feel like a salmon swimming up Niagara Falls, which is how I usually feel at these trainings…I am getting the support of our senior leaders who come to these meetings and share their approach through the LEADx app.”