Tag: start ups

A Productivity Secret From The Dalai Lama’s Little Red Bag

What does the Dalai Lama keep in his small red bag? My favorite story about the Dalai Lama was from an article in The Globe and...

2 Major Keys To Productivity From 2 Superfast Writers

I am a writer. I write slowly. This is a problem, because I am a writer. About a year ago, I tracked my productivity and learned...

Live Life Truly Present

Are you living your life truly present? Do you wear different masks depending on whether you are at work, home or posting on social...

Use Corporate Storytelling To Drive Brand Authenticity

Why do some brands appear so much more authentic than others? The quest for brand authenticity among marketers has become akin to the search for...

7 Ways To Politely Say No To ‘Cup of Coffee’ Requests

“The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” —Warren Buffett If you’re a consultant, author,...

How To Talk To Your Boss About Productivity

Do you blame your boss for your inability to get more done at work? One of my core productivity principles is to stop checking email...

How To Sleep Better: It Ain’t About 8 Hours A Night

Would you like to get more from your six hours of sleep than what others get from a full eight hours? Did you know that quality sleep is...

10 Things Highly Successful Leaders Don’t Do

Most leaders have been taught the same old precepts: have an “open door” policy, rally around a common vision, make your employees happy and...

Why This Company Only Holds Meetings One Day A Week

I asked seven billionaires to give me their No. 1 piece of advice for productivity and time management. To my surprise, many referenced the evils of...
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