Tag: start ups

Hire Better People And You Won’t Need Rules

Previously I’ve written about the downside of rules at work and how rules can be replaced with Accountability andTransparency+Trust. In this article I’d like to explore the foundational solution,...

Replace Rules With Transparency And Trust

We know that almost all rules and policies have bad outcomes so we need to replace rules with other means to influence employee behavior. Last week,...

Meeting Hacks From Branson, Zuck, and Dorsey

Would your organization like to hold meetings that are more efficient, more productive, and even more enjoyable? I’ve interviewed hundreds of billionaires, famous entrepreneurs, and...

Use Accountability Instead Of Rules At Work

Is it possible to replace 90% of all company rules? Recently we explored “Why Good Companies Create Bad Rules” and “Why Good Rules at Work...

Maximize Focus In An Open Office

How can you maintain focus and avoid distractions in an open office environment? This is a question I’m asked more and more frequently, as more...

3 Novels I Recently Read And Loved

I read about a book a week, but most of what I read is boring non-fiction. But when summer hits and I get some...

Beware Of Distant Elephants Before You Say Yes

Do you have trouble saying no? Do you ever look at your ridiculous day calendar and wonder, “Why in the world did I agree...

Your Daily MIT Is More Important Than Your SMART Goal

Is it time to rethink the wisdom of goal setting? We’ve all been taught the value of setting goals that are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable,...

4 Ways To Get Your ‘Inner Game’ Right

Can you begin to live your best life ever by applying a series of simple mental techniques in your day-to-day life? Personally, I’ve been on...
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