Tag: leader

The 3.5 Question Temperature Check (Fosters Engagement)

How often have you asked someone on your team, “How are you doing?”  And gotten one of the following responses: Fine. Good. Pretty good. Not too bad. Alright. Fair to...

How To Elevate Your Culture In Just 19 Words (Builds Strong...

It’s well understood that culture can make or break a workplace. Understanding what “culture” means, however, is a whole other matter. As a working...

How to Bring More Honor Into the Office

I have never been to a memorial service where people spoke poorly about a person, no matter how many bad things he or she...

The Ultimate Unexpected Leadership Movie (Develops Others)

Last week I had the honor of attending Generations Healthcare’s heartfelt and moving “Caring for a Lifetime” Presidential Awards Ceremony in which they celebrate...

4 Ways To Upend Empty Accountability

Accountability has long had a finger-wagging overtone that makes us cringe. There’s a sense of being reprimanded for what hasn’t been done. Being “held accountable”...

One Way To “Balance” The Big Picture With The Important Details...

Bookend the week with both. Open the week by speaking to the mission and painting the vision in vivid detail. Also, outline the measurable strategic progress...

Emotional Intelligence: Managing Disruptive Emotions

What are you afraid of? Heights? Public speaking? Sudden illness? Loss of employment? A big point of developing emotional intelligence for ultra-high performance is managing...

The Potential Downside Of Unlimited PTO (Fosters Engagement)

I believe in trusting employees to be responsible adults. I believe in getting rid of unnecessary process and bureaucracy. I believe in promoting work as a...

Culture Hack: Increase Your Team’s Morale In 90 Seconds (Fosters Engagement)

Morale informs your team’s confidence, enthusiasm and discipline.  Morale is the energetic context within which they get the work done. Let’s say you look around...
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