Tag: career

Decisions: Fewer is Better (Communication)

From time to time, it's our job as managers to deliver eye-opening feedback to our team. To be fully effective, we need to be...

Critical To Your Team’s Culture: Equal Air Time

In researching what makes successful teams, Google’s “Project Aristotle” found psychological safety was key.  A group norm that supports psychological safety is  “equality in...

LEADx Success Story: Are You Listening?

At LEADx we love to hear about your achievements! Let’s take a peek into the success story of Thomas Koch, a LEADx listener who...

Don’t Just Hustle For Life. Hustle FOR A Life! (Time Management)

On a recent birthday, I shared some raw honesty — I think I am at best exactly at the halfway point of my life,...

6 Secrets To Staying Calm At Work (And How To Keep...

Are you steady during times of crisis? Learn the top methods to staying calm when tense issues flare up, and become the cool cucumber you always knew you could be.

The 4 Tools That Will Get You That Raise

That's when you become very invaluable to your company, and that's when you make the big money.

Making Your 10-Year Target Work For You (Influence & Persuasion)

“I don’t think anyone out on the shop floor remembers that that’s where we are headed.” “I don’t know why we need to spend...
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