Make Achieving Your Goals a Certainty

Dov Baron, expert on Authentic Leadership, advises on how Make Achieving Your Goals a Certainty

I want to give you a gift … A Free Resolution Blueprint that Makes Achieving Your Goals and resolutions a Certainty.

Let me ask: When the door opens will you be hiding in a corner afraid of what’s on the way? Will you be there with running shoes on ready to bolt into your future? Or will you step over the line, feeling your foot come down into the certainty of where you will ride because you have, in advance, taken the time to decide the direction of the future.

Almost everyone gets some level of excitement at the prospect of the future, (even if it’s just as a reprieve from the last one). However; entering into anything with merely “hope”, Is a lot less than a plan for success.

What are your goals? Whether your goals are in the areas of finances, health, fitness, career, or relationships, the question worth asking yourself is: Do you actually want to keep yours? What if there was a simpler, effortless way to do that? What if it were as easy as listening to some CDs and writing down your goals? Would you do it?

Before you say it could not possibly be that easy, know this:

You’re Right!

It doesn’t matter how many times you put my Resonating Riches CDprogram or for that matter any program into the CD player, just listening is not ever going to be enough!

But part of what gets in the way of people’s success is that they come to believe that accomplishing goals has to be hard. It has to hurt. However, as thousands have experienced before you, with the right guidance, nothing could be further from the truth.

Please keep reading to understand how and why…

I want to help you reach your goals and avoid the disillusion that comes from setting half-assed goals that don’t really matter, and in fact stand in the way of your complete authentic and joyous success.

It’s important to pay attention to our rituals. Much of what we do, we do ritualistically. We do things over and over again and we do them to invoke an outcome. Whether that outcome is a change in our mind state that leads to a hangover or one that leads to greater and greater levels of success, all rituals are about invoking a “preferred state change” either within ourselves or our reality.

There are personal and societal rituals that we make personal. One of those society rituals has been to set goals. The purpose of which has been to invoke a “preferred state change” either within ourselves or our reality.

Sadly, all too often many people think that their looks, talents and simply setting the goal will be enough to propel them to higher ground. All too often these are the people whose “wishful thinking” will have them do little more than splutter over the starter line.

The fact is: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals brimming with talent.

If you have ever set a goal or you know people who have, you are probably wondering: Why do so many people fail when it comes to fulfilling their goals?

The #1 Reason: First and foremost without even realizing it… Most people are setting goals that are not their own!

Whatever goals you set make sure they are your own!

Quite simply, take a minute or two and really question your goals… Are they really about you, who you really are? Or are they the goals you are setting in order to be liked a little more by your brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, peers, or even mom and dad?

(By the way, to your ego mind approval is golden, so anyone’s will do).

The fact is, anyone can come up with a set of goals that sound right. There are two types of goals, goals aimed at getting approval or those goals that make you truly happy.

If you are unconsciously setting goals that are not in resonance with who you really are, you are likely to find a way to not reach them or at the very least sabotage the process of reaching them.

See for yourself..: A few years ago I was working with a guy we’ll call Paul. Paul at that time was a successful corporate Vice President, who had a goal to buy a particular model of a new Mercedes.

I helped him to get absolutely clear on the specifics of what he wanted: model, year, color of both the exterior and interior and many other details that would make it absolutely real for him. By the time we were done, he could describe the exact sound the air made as it left when the car door closed.

Paul’s ‘goal’ was to get the car by March 1st. This was something that was a stretch, but with everything in place, it was definitely doable. March 1st came and went, as did the entire month, and then April and May. When I asked him why he thought he had not manifested what he wanted, he gave me a long list of what he called ‘reasons’ and I called ‘excuses’.

My statement to him was that ‘it’ (the car), clearly didn’t matter enough to him. If it did, he would have done whatever it took to have gotten the car. Paul wanted to argue about it until I asked him the question I’m now asking you:

Who’s approval do you make up you will get by achieving this goal?

It was like I’d slapped Paul in the face with a wet cod. He was stunned by the list of names that fell out of his mouth. There was a guy at work who had made a snide comment about how he thought Paul was doing better than to be driving what he was presently driving. His dad, who had always wanted a Mercedes but had never been able to afford one. And even some woman he had the hots for ten years ago; she thought Mercedes were sexy.

Do you get it?

Sure, Paul ‘liked’ Mercedes and he certainly wouldn’t mind driving one. But, in truth, there was no genuine passion there ; it was not something that mattered enough to him. The reason Paul didn’t manifest what he ‘desired’ was there was no personal juice to fuel what it would take to bring that thing into his life.

Paul, like most people, had unconsciously set a goal that was more about ‘what other people would think’ than it was about what he truly, soulfully wanted.

If you’re on a few “Self-Help” lists, you’re probably getting a lot of input on how to ‘properly’ set goals. I am sure they are all full of great stuff, but here are the basics: It is important to have a goal written down. Mental goals tend to mutate into things that, A) we will never reach or B) we’ll just settle for.

In the words of Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series)

“Don’t Just Think It, Ink It!”

It is important to make your goals totally and absolutely have deep personal meaning. When you make that goal, be specific!

Go into the details, get all your senses involved …

Whether it’s a goal or a resolution, ask yourself:
• What would my life look like having met this goal/resolution?
• Having met this goal/resolution what do I hear around me?
• What do I smell?
• The taste in my mouth, what is it?
• Is there something I am touching now that lets me know I have fulfilled my resolution?
• What does it feel like to know I have become what I have resolved to become?

Now that I’ve given you some of the reasons why so many people fail at achieving their goals let’s get into the next powerful tip that makes achieving your goals and resolutions a certainty:

Take out a sheet of paper, (I find there is a deeper emotional connection when we write by hand).

Write down as many reasons as you can about “why” you deeply want this specific goal or resolution.

What is it that makes having this in your life so important to you?

If you can’t get emotionally charged by what it is you are going for, chances are you will find a way to NOT get it!

It is this directed emotion that sets up the quantum resonance wave that draws to you every opportunity to fulfill your desire. The drive to keep going, to accomplish your goal or resolution is not in the thing itself, it’s the “reasons why” that will power you through the obstacles, (and there will be obstacles, make no mistake).

So, whether it’s personal, business, health, or relationship related make the goal specific, and emotionally charged. 

Having gone through this Resolution Blueprint let me ask you to remember: whatever you dream of having in life… more money, more romantic and fun relationships, a booming business or fulfilling career… whatever it is… start your journey today toward making your goals a reality.

Start now!

I trust that you found this article and video advice valuable. If so feel free to send this to your friends. I eagerly anticipate your feedback and comments. Please share, like and comment below!

With gratitude,

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One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is a leadership advisor to the United Nations (UN), a bestselling author, the world’s only Corporate Cultural Momentum Strategist, and a top-ranking podcast host. He is also the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and Leadership Succession or, as he prefers to call it, “Full Monty Leadership.” Try his Authentic Leadership Matrix for free: