LEADx Coach Amanda


LEADx Coach Amanda combines behavioral science, artificial intelligence, and expert content to dramatically improve leadership behaviors, employee engagement, and productivity.

Accessible on your tablet, smartphone, or website, LEADx is a complete platform with several modules.

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Coach Amanda

Behavioral Nudges with Coach Amanda

First, you can overcome the “Knowing-Doing Gap” with behavioral nudges. Your managers know what to do (you’ve trained them well), but they don’t actually do it. When we get busy or stressed we forget to apply our new skills and default to our old ways. Using nudge theory, leaders receive on-the-job reminders of specific things they can do on the job.

AI-Powered Executive Coach with Coach Amanda

With Coach Amanda’s “Coach Me” mode, leaders can choose a goal (e.g., Accountability, Showing Appreciation, Building Trust, Employee Engagement) and receive a 12-step, 12-week action plan in order to get stronger in the chose area. And don’t worry, Coach Amanda will be your accountability partner, checking in with you each week.

With Coach Amanda’s “Train Me” and Q&A mode, it’s like texting your best friend—if your friend happens to be a great leadership coach. Ask Amanda about employee problems or for leadership tips. And she teaches dozens of leadership development topics including giving feedback, delegation, and one-on-one meetings. Because the Coach Amanda HR chatbot knows your personality, she’ll personalize your manager training down to the sentence level.

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Online Course Library with LEADx Platform

The LEADx platform includes 1000+ microlearning courses, webinars, and book summaries. Managers love the LEADx Online Course Library that enables them to learn when, where and how they want. Content includes microlearning lessons, expert webinars, podcast interviews, print-ready job aids, and even business book summaries.

The management training curriculum covers new manager training topics like giving feedback, delegating effectively, one-on-one meetings, coaching and even tips for first-time managers. Second-line leaders can choose more advanced topics including employee engagement, authentic leadership, conflict management and more. New webinars, podcasts, and book summaries are added each month.

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CEO of LEADx, and NY Times bestselling author, of Great Leaders Have No Rules and Employee Engagement 2.0. Get a FREE demo of the LEADx platform at https://leadx.org/preview.