LEADx Community of Practice for Leadership Development


What is the LEADx Community of Practice (CoP)?

Once per quarter, LEADx invites Heads of Leadership Development to virtually network using Zoom. Our goal is to help you make friends in the leadership development space and learn from each other. LEADx CEO, Kevin Kruse, is there only to facilitate, we never sell and we don't even participate in the break-out sessions so you can be totally open and honest with your peers.

This exclusive, invite-only, meet-up covers “hair-on-fire” topics in leader development, survey research, case studies on how leading companies scale leader development, and sometimes a popular author or speaker will join as a guest facilitator.

Who usually attends these CoP meet-ups?

LEADx invites only people in charge of leader development at their organizations, such as Director of Leadership Development or Director of Organizational Development.  We're looking for leaders of “best-in-class” programs at established organizations as well as innovative start-ups that are using the latest technology and creative ideas to develop their leaders. Some of our past attendees included Heads of Leadership Development from:

What kinds of leadership development topics have been covered in the past?​

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • How to Lead Remote Employees
  • Hybrid Work Models
  • Impact of COVID-19 on Leadership Development
  • Return to the Office & Leading Change
  • Resiliency During COVID
  • Leading with Empathy

When is the next CoP Meet-up and how can I attend?

Our next meet-up is scheduled for Friday, October 15th from 2pm – 3:30pm ET.  If you'd like an invitation, please email vania@leadx.org.