Yearly Archives: 2023

The Culture Code

How Radical Candor Can Float Your Company Through Times Of Change with the CPO...

When a company experiences rapid growth, growing pains are inevitable. Original employees find themselves in a sea of new employees. The way things are done shifts. The culture evolves.

What is a Good Employee Engagement Survey Participation Rate?

The participation rate in employee engagement surveys is a crucial initial statistic. You can calculate the response rate by dividing the number of surveys submitted by the number of employees invited to participate.
The Culture Code

How To Scale And Sustain A Culture Of Caring with the CPO of Seismic

Since research correlates 70% of employee engagement to an employee’s relationship with their manager, the way a company develops its leaders can be incredibly telling of its culture.
The Culture Code

Foster Your Culture With Exponential Changes (Not Incremental) with the CPO of Denali Therapeutics

Culture doesn’t happen by accident. In Josh Bersin’s The Reset Playbook, he emphasizes the importance of getting intentional about how you want to change your company culture.
The Culture Code

Create A Culture Of Learning With “Teaching At Scale” At Alto Pharmacy

One thing that great company cultures seem to have in common is that they create highly original rituals that bring culture to life in an authentic way.
The Culture Code

The Best Training Programs are Data-Informed with the CPO of HackerOne

According to a McKinsey article titled “What’s Missing in Leadership Development?” 90% of CEOs don’t believe their people development efforts have a clear business impact.
The Culture Code

How the CPO of Toptal Scales a Thriving Culture, Even as the World’s Largest...

With an active workforce of more than 5,000 people across 70+ countries, Toptal is the largest fully remote workforce in the world. How does it go about scaling and sustaining its thriving remote culture?
The Culture Code

How To Define And Embed Company Culture In A Way That Drives Adoption With...

As companies grow, the need to define company culture poses a challenge. Companies must establish their culture in an authentic and useful way that is not overly formalized or bureaucratic. Adoption often becomes a hurdle.
The Culture Code

Culture Hinges On Great Hiring: Here’s How To Approach It With 10x Genomics’ CPO

Bringing culture into the recruitment and hiring process is the best way to ingrain it throughout an organization. But, how do you accomplish this in a thoughtful way?
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