PODCAST #003: Use The 3-Word Exercise From Dorie Clark To Find Your Unique Brand


In this episode, we're going to talk about advancing your career faster than ever before with our guest, Dorie Clark. She is a former presidential campaign spokeswoman turned marketing strategy consultant and professional speaker. Her clients include Google, The World Bank, Microsoft, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She is a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review and Forbes. She is the author of Reinventing You and Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. Magazine.


  • http://dorieclark.com/ – Dorie's website, where you can find over 400 free articles and a free 42-page self-assessment workbook that can help you think strategically about your brand
  • @DorieClark – Dorie on Twitter

CEO of LEADx, and NY Times bestselling author, of Great Leaders Have No Rules and Employee Engagement 2.0. Get a FREE demo of the LEADx platform at https://leadx.org/preview.