Direction, vision, service, strategy, conflict resolution, tasks, putting out fires, mentorship, strategic alliances, training, partnerships, financial projections, problem-solving, team dynamics, and so much more! This is a day in the life of so many highly influential leaders, and I know what you’re thinking… “Lighten up!”
It all sounds so serious and intense, but does it have to be?
There is a lighter side of leadership that is spelled F-U-N! We have got to give ourselves permission to enjoy the journey, not take things too seriously (especially ourselves), and have some good ‘ol fashion fun!
I’m reminded of a season when I felt guilty doing things inside and outside of the working environment that were fun. In some weird way, I believed that if I had too much fun, it would take away from my focus, goals, and ultimately, my dream. So even if I decided to engage in a fun activity, my mind couldn’t shut off from the work. Is anyone there with me on this one?
In light of this ongoing battle in my mind, I finally got to a point where I said, “Enough is enough. Something has to change!” These were some of the most powerful words I ever spoke.
This awareness, coupled with a heart for change, created an avenue to begin intentionally having more fun inside and outside the office – including making leadership fun. As a result, my productivity began to drastically improve, not to mention, the productivity of those on my team. In time, my intentionality turned into a lifestyle. In other words, fun shifted from something I did to who I was.
When we are fun, it helps breathe life into situations and circumstances. We begin viewing people and things from a totally different lens. In other words, being fun creates a looser environment where people are free to be themselves and offer creative ideas and solutions to some of the biggest problems.
A few practical questions to consider:
●Do you have an awareness of FUN?
●What intentional things can you do to create more fun inside and outside of work?
●How can fun become more of who you are as opposed to what you do?
Robb Holman is author of the highly anticipated book Lead the Way, keynote speaker, and the Founder/CEO of Holman International, a global leadership consultancy revolutionizing the way business leaders operate.